30 June 2006

A piglet for luck

This sweet little piglet, named Finale, is going to Berlin to bring luck to the German World Cup team. The full story is here.

I set the VCR for the Germany-Argentina game today. It's at 10 a.m. and I won't get home until about 4 p.m. I'm going to try to stay in an information-free zone so I don't find out who won before I watch the game. Unfortunately, it's not too hard to do here in St. Paul!


Eclectchick said...

Please tell me the piglet won't come to a dreadful and bloody end. PLEASE?! You soccer fans get violent, you know.

Sophzilla said...

That's mostly the Brits. I'm sure they're topping the arrest lists in Germany this month!

Julia said...

I don't think that they will kill the pig. Maybe if we don't become Weltmeister. No, just kidding! They won't.

Sophzilla said...

The piglet as hostage! "Lose Argentina or the pig dies!"

Julia said...

Oh that's why we won!:D