06 June 2006

An interesting morning

I found out how much I rely on electricity this morning when the power was still out at my house. (There was a thunderstorm last night.)
  • Sat on my bed by the window to put on make up.
  • Wet down the weird spikes in my hair and arranged as best as possible. (No electricity means no hair dryer and no curling iron).
  • Ate breakfast like a baby -- dry cereal out of a bowl. (Can't open the refrigerator/freezer so no access to milk, juice, toast, jam.)
  • Used flashlight to find clothes, shoes and jewelry in closet.
  • Used flashlight to find the garage door manual pull thingy.
  • Fed Sophie only her dry food (canned food in refrigerator) to which she, with body language, said, "I'll pass."
I was hoping that the power would be out at work, too. That way I'd have a good excuse to clean out some of my file drawers. No such luck. On the up side, that means the fans are working in our area that we, in summer, lovingly refer to as the swamp.


Eclectchick said...

Oh, how I loathe the electricity going out. That horrible silence which replaces the lovely white noise - not to mention breeze - of the fan we run at night in order to sleep. And then there's the hideousness of not having a blow dryer. Quelle horreur!!!! Happily, ours didn't go out last night. There's always next time.

rigtenzin said...

I told you to buy a generator and stock up on food and water. You'll be sorry when the inevitable Global Shit Storm (GSS) hits.


Acutally, this link is to a coworker's page. I found this page and really liked it even before I knew it was his.