I picked up The New Book of Lists: The Original Compendium of Curious Information at the library today. It's perfectfully scannable.
11 Mammoth Cheeses
#1: 28.5-ton cheddar -- 6 feet high, 32 feet long and 4.5 feet wide, made in Canada (#1-7 are cheddar cheeses)
#8: 1,200-pound cheshire -- made in Massachusetts and shipped to Washington, D.C. by sled, boat and wagon to honor Thomas Jefferson's triumph over the Federalists.
4 Places with More Pigs than Humans
#1: Denmark (13.2M pigs, 5.4M humans)
12 of the Oddest Items Found at London Transport's Lost Property Office
Two human skulls in a bag
Dead bats in a container
Lawn mower
Box of false eyeballs
8 Unlikely How-to Books
How to Be Happy Though Married -- published in 1895. A book by the same title is on Amazon and is authored by Tim LeHaye, author of those silly Left Behind books.
How to Become a Schizophrenic
How to Start Your Own Country -- published in the 1980s and still available on Amazon.
7 Bizarre Sports Events
Rock, paper, scissors
Law mower racing
22 Things That Fell from the Sky
Hay -- "A great cloud of hay drifted over the town of Devizes in England at tea time on July 3, 1977. As soon as the cloud reached the center of town, it all fell to earth in handful-sized lumps."
3,902-pound stone -- Fell in 1976 near Kirin, China.
Meat -- "Famous Kentucky meat shower" happened in 1876. "The local explanation was that a flock of buzzards had disgorged as a group while flying overhead."
White fibrous blobs -- "Blobs of white material up to 20 feet in length descended over the San Francisco Bay area in California... Migrating spiders were blamed, although no spiders were recovered." Whaaat?
Mark Twain's List of 27 People and Things to Be Rescued from a Boardinghouse Fire
#1: Fiancees
#2: Persons toward whom the rescuer feels a tender sentiment but has not declared himself
"12 of the Oddest Items Found at London Transport's Lost Property Office - Two human skulls in a bag - Dead bats in a container - Lawn mower - Box of false eyeballs"
I'm guessing items 1, 2, and 4, belonged to the same person - a wizard-to-be on the way to Hogwarts.
1 comment:
"12 of the Oddest Items Found at London Transport's Lost Property Office
- Two human skulls in a bag
- Dead bats in a container
- Lawn mower
- Box of false eyeballs"
I'm guessing items 1, 2, and 4, belonged to the same person - a wizard-to-be on the way to Hogwarts.
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