11 July 2006

Happy, happy, joy, joy

I received a new CD in the post today. Hooray! Spruenge by Herbert Groenemeyer. It's not a new release -- 1989! In some ways the '80s were a great music decade (if you ignore the hairdos). There's a very fun song on the CD called Kinder an die Macht (Power to the Children -- I think). Here are some of the lyrics:

Die Armeen aus Gummibaerchen
Die Panzer aus Marzipan
Kriege werden augegessen
Einfacher Plan
Kindlich genial...

Gebt den Kindern das Kommando
Sie berechnen nicht was sie tun
Die Welt gehoert in Kinderhaenden

Armies of gummi bears
Tanks out of marzipan
Wars would be eaten
Simple plan
Childishly resourceful…

Give children the command
They don’t calculate what they do
The world belongs in the hands of children

I'm not providing any more lyrics here because my translation skills are very poor!


Eclectchick said...

Hmmm, angst. Angsty German music. Quelle surprise.


Sophzilla said...

Oh whatever! :)

Eclectchick said...

again with the snortle

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting.

Now what's this about 80s hairstyles? You had a FABULOUS one -- so daring and trendy. Now if it was like Boy George, Flock of Seagulls or Thompson Twins, we'd have a talk. But 'Zilla-hair? AWESOME!