09 March 2006

A meme about reading.

From this meme site: Booking Through Thursday

1. Do you finish every book you start, no matter how bad it gets?
No! I distinctly remember what caused me to cast aside my inner "must complete" demon. She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb. I didn't like, or find interesting, any of the characters. The story was depressing and there was no point. It wasn't as bad Madeline is Sleeping though. I wanted to run over that book with my car.

2. Do you ever sneak-read the ending before you finish the book?
Not usually, especially if it's a novel. I like to be surprised by the ending. It would be like knowing what my Christmas presents are.

1 comment:

Eclectchick said...

We all know what MY answer to that first question would be. I shamelessly will throw a book aside - less often a movie, but sometimes.

Hey, EclectChick's blog is lonely - all sorts of stories about TX, and no comments. sniff.