19 April 2006

Robert schmobert

I know that procedures are important. It's also important to cover all the eventualities. That being said, Robert's Rules of Order make me crazy. Can we just get something done for the love of Pete? See EclectChick's entry re: California legislation on "vampire appliances." The text of the legislation demonstrates why government seems to lag behind a snail's pace.


rigtenzin said...

Where, other than DFL caucuses, do you have to follow Robert's Rules of Order? I think they're fun and it's best to know them much better than the other guy. Then you can use them for harassment. It's one of my favorite forms of smart-assery.

Best regards,

Sophzilla said...

Church council and board meetings. I really like your idea to out-smart the smarty-pants Robert's Rules experts. Or, maybe just act as if I know the rules and defend my stupid point to the death. "Smart-assery." I'm adding that to my list of favorite words! Thanks!

Julia said...

And I add "schmobert" to my list although I'm not quite sure what it means:-D I like the way you use the german language:-D

Sophzilla said...

Thanks for the compliment! Quite often I think I must sound like a hillbilly (Hinterwaelder) when I speak/write German!

Julia said...

Not at all!
I wish I could use english like you use german. Respect!