08 April 2006


Rowan Atkinson is a comic genius. As Blackadder, his looks of disdain are priceless. I wonder if that's who Vince Vaughn studied prior to taking on the big screen.

Test your Black Adder knowledge on the BBC site. And, joy of joys, there's a quote generator!
Blackadder: Baldrick, does it have to be this way? Our valued friendship ending with me cutting you up into strips and telling the prince that you walked over a very sharp cattle grid in an extremely heavy hat?

Baldrick: Well, Mr Blackadder always says, when the going gets tough, the tough hide under the table.

1 comment:

Eclectchick said...

Thank you! Thank you! Gosh, I love Blackadder!! "Disease and deprivation stalk our land, like two giant stalking things."