23 April 2006

Hot dog and paranoia

I love Patina. And, although it is very early in the year, I am adding the Pooch Pot Holder to my birthday wish list. I'm such a sucker for anything dog related.

And I don't need The Paranoid's Survival Kit-- I no longer work with crazy people -- but I would like it. Something nice to leave on the desk, especially if you expect visitors.
"For the employee who's overly suspicious of co-workers and convinced that every bit of office politics is actually a conspiracy, this tongue-in-cheek kit outlines the top 10 signs of paranoia, along with ways to outwit the bad guys. It comes with rubber gloves, invisible ink, light to detect cryptic messages, and a rearview computer-terminal mirror."

1 comment:

Eclectchick said...

LOVE the pot holder!!! Hobbs wants to know if it comes in red.