12 October 2006

Writer's block

I’m co-writing a story for a newsletter and am having the worst time at it. When I know something I assume that others do too. Unless it’s something kind of esoteric, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s twin sister’s name (Sabine) or his birthday (Feb. 4). As I write I keep thinking, “Everyone knows this. I am the queen of the bleeding obvious.”

CloEve and I are writing a piece that comes out of our presentation in Savannah last February. It’s about how to design a user-friendly Web site that meets your organizational goals. It's due in a couple of days. The parts I'm writing seem like the writing equivalent of: ball, 73, red, Czechoslovakia. Not really hanging together yet. [screech of frustration]


norcalcyclingnews.com said...

hey ... my girl's name is Sabine, too!

does that make me famous?

Eclectchick said...

Well, it could be worse. You could be Queen of the Bleeding Zombies, or Queen of the Bleeding Canker Sores, or Queen of the Bleeding Boils . . .

Gee, I could go on and on. This is fun!!!