31 October 2006

Halloween and pie

Tonight I get to take two of my nieces trick-or-treating. About a week ago the oldest, Tori, called me and asked me what my costume would be. She really wanted me to dress up so I asked her what I should be. After a moment's pause, she said "A witch!" She then went on to say that they had a witch's dress and hat in their toy box.

My brother, their Dad, really likes pecan pie. So I baked this last night. It's not as puffy as it was when it came out of the oven. But I love how the pecans line up and get shiny on the top.


Eclectchick said...

The pie looks scrumptious!

Aren't you going to post pics of your costume??? What is Sophie going as?

Sophzilla said...

I'll see how tonight's pictures turn out! Sophie isn't going as anything. Besides it will be too cold and windy for the delicate flower this evening! :)

rigtenzin said...

She's a witch! Burn her!

Let's see the photos right here.

Sophzilla said...

Good thing I took off my witch hat. I could have been burned at the stake. Momentariliy the flames would have been warming.

Anonymous said...

Your friends really like pecan pie, too. REALLY like it. Yep, like it A LOT. :D