13 October 2006

Annoying song (Lied)

I like to listen to German or British radio via the Web. Lately I've been listening to Bayern 3. The same station I listened to when I was in Ingolstadt. Anyhow, some of the music is so annoying. And not much of it in German, either*. (But at least I get a little news in German. Must search for another Web radio station.) A particularly stupid song includes these lyrics: "I wish I were a punk rocker, with flowers in my hair." Aaaargh! Punks didn't wear flowers in their hair!

Reminds me of being in the theater district of London with my parents and godparents. It was the '80s and there were punks a-plenty. It was dark when we left the theater and there were punks everywhere. I'd been living in England for awhile and was used to seeing them and knew that, by and large, they're nonviolent. My parents did not know this. My Mom really freaked (ausflippen in German -- isn't that a funny word!). In retrospect her fear is funny.

*Although they are now playing Xavier Naidoo's "Danke," a song about the German WM (world cup team).

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