22 September 2005

Anything ending in "zilla"

My boss volunteered a colleague and me to present at a conference. ("It's in Savannah in February? Well, OK!") Our topic? Building community on the Web. Since it was way off I put it out of my mind. February 2006? I don'’t even know what I'’m doing tomorrow.

Well now our presentation description and title are due. Figuring out what to say about our presentation was pretty easy. A nice balance between vague and compelling (since we haven'’t written the presentation yet). The title was another matter. Our boss asked us for something snappy. Why is it that when someone asks for snappy you can'’t think of anything? But when you'’re supposed to be relatively serious you can always think of all sorts of snappy and smartmouthy things to say? We finally landed on "“Webzilla: Making the Web Work for You."

My co-presenter and I always have a great time working together. We've heard that this group can be rather staid so we'll have fun shaking things up a bit. Anything i’s better when it ends in zilla.

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