20 September 2005

Be who you are

I love this quote from Abraham Maslow.
"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he [or she] is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What one can be, one must be." -- Abraham Maslow, American Psychologist
What am I? In the creative realm I write, paint and play the piano. Write? Check. Paint? I just finished a mod kind of canvas and now I'm figuring out another project. Piano? Maybe I should look into getting one. But where would I put it? I used to play when I was at my parents' house. However, since my nieces and nephew are often there, it's a bit more complicated (four of them -- all 7 and under -- so it's hardly a fair fight). First off, they hog the keyboard. Secondly, our tastes differ. I have simple tastes -- Bach, Mozart, Handel. They prefer to create their own, atonal, pieces.

Was ist heute auf der Fahrbahn? (What's on the highway today?) Ein Hund. (A dog.) I do hope the drivers pass auf! (watch out)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Nice blog, welcome.