16 September 2005

Adventures in Mating

Tonight it's off to the Bryant Lake Bowl to see "Adventures in Mating." I saw it at the Fringe Festival and had to see it again. It's incredibly clever and very silly. It's like a chose-your-own-adventure book but this scenario is a blind date. There are only three people in the show -- Jeffrey, Miranda and the waiter. Jeffrey and Miranda are over-the-top stereotypes -- he's looking to seduce anyone, anyone!; she's looking for a husband (and brings along her potential spouse questionnaire).

The fights begin as soon as the date begins. When he wants red wine and she wants white he responds: "White wine goes with chicken... and sadness." When she slaps him once, then again "for luck," he responds: "You kiss people for luck; you don't slap people for luck." The waiter is deadpan in a Jeeves, I-can't-believe-how-stupid-you-are, kind of way.

Joseph is one of the Scrimshaw Brothers. Their show, "Shut Your Cake Hole," was at the Fringe a few years ago. No talking. All physical comedy. I will likely laugh about the vignette involving a driving test long after I'm steeped in dementia. The person taking the driver's test has to parallel park a Cozy Coupe car and repeatedly fails. The instructor has the requisite clipboard and look of disdain.

Thought from the day from that famous writer, Anon: "Some people are like Slinkies... Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."

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