03 May 2006

Brawny Man

Brawny, the paper towel people, have a site devoted to little romantic videos about the Brawny Man called Innocent Escapes. They are some of the most unintentionally funny things I've ever seen. I'm talking snorting-and-pounding-your-hand-on-the-desk laughter. The guy who is playing the Brawny Man looks right into the camera as if you, at your PC, are the object of his affection and or desire. He utters lines like this: "Look at you. You're a gift to all of us." You can even make your own custom video which makes me think they are serious. Laugh 'til you cry, shudder due to overall creepiness, repeat.


Sophzilla said...

The films are looking at an accident -- you just can't pull yourself away from the awfulness.

Eclectchick said...

I love the Brawny man - in a creeped out, ohmigoshicantbelieveyousaidthat kind of way.

The really scary thing is, there are probably guys out there who are eerily like the obsequious Brawny man - and not on purpose.

Sophzilla said...

And some women are wanting the Brawny Man type. That's scary. Attention and affection? Good and good. In touch with feelings -- yours and his -- also good. All of these at a hyper level? Shudder.

Eclectchick said...

P.S. I totally think Brawny is just joking. Nice to know paper towel people have a sense of humor, too. ;-)

(Hey - the word verification wants me to type "solshdik." That seems like a naughty word in Polish, perhaps Czech. What do you think?)