18 August 2006

A little knowledge is dangerous, in my case

Why the template changes over the past couple of days? Well in the dictionary, under "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing," there's my name: Maria. I don't really know much about HTML except how to make things bold and italic.

The other day I wanted to change the Sophzilla colors. I ended up, how I do not know, erasing half the code in the template, thus destroying the blog. I had to go to a Blogger-supplied template. I used the brown one but there wasn't nearly enough room for links. And besides, I like action and color. Last night I found the sunburst template that was here earlier today. I had to re-install all the links, etc., but I loved the color and sunburst. Happy! Colorful! Hooray!

Could I leave well enough alone? Oh no! I wanted to re-install the subscribe button (via Feedburner. I don't completely understand it but it's very cool as is Rick Klau's blog). Again, I wrecked the blog. Back to a Blogger-provided template.

Unless I am being guided by a professional, e.g., Dash, I will leave well enough alone. Good thing I wasn't experimenting with something dangerous!

The sign says "Attention! Do not use! Danger!"


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Maria! The first step is admitting you're powerless. Easy does it. One day at a time.

Anonymous said...

Yes! The sunburst is the best.

Sophzilla said...

Thanks Dash! I will take you up on the offer!

Anonymous said...

Yay, the sunburst is back. Happy, happy day. Now, Sophzilla, whenever you have the urge to tinker with the design, call me first and I'll attempt to talk you down. :)