14 August 2006

Fun with German

I have a German flip-a-day calendar on my desk. Every day there's a new vocabulary word and sample sentence. I just love words so this is right up my alley. (Hmm... how do you say that in German?)

Here are two recent words and sentences that made me laugh, for different reasons:
  • der Honig -- honey. Das war kein Honiglecken.
    That was no picnic. But literally it means, that was no licking of honey.
  • die Muttersprache -- mother/native tongue. Duetsch is nicht meine Muttersprache.
    I am not a native speaker of German. This made me laugh because anyone who heard me speak German would probably think I sound like a hillbilly without me pointing it out! By the way, hillbilly or hick in German is der Hinterwaeldler, or in my case, die Hinterwaeldlerin. It literally means backwoodsman/woman.
I just love the word die Waffenruhe -- the word and what it is. Ceasefire. It literally means weapons quiet. Isn't that grand? And I love that there's a ceasefire in Lebanon. How are you supposed to broker a peace when you're still shooting at each other? Keep praying for peace man!


Julia said...

I'd love to have a calendar like that in English.
"right up my alley" would be "Das ist ganz mein Fall"
If you translate that back again it would be something like "It's quite my fall" which is funnier than using the word "case" instead.
This is fun!
I love a french expression: lecher les vitrines (for window shopping) which in German literally is "die Fensterscheiben lecken" (licking the windows)

Sigruns German Garden said...

I need such an Calendar for my desk too!


Eclectchick said...

Odd. I've always said "lecher les fenetres."

Julia said...

Maybe that's not too wrong. But it could also mean that you look inside other people's windows instead of shop windows. *lol* So you could have outed yourself as a voyeur.:D
sorry, no offence! Just thinking how tricky foreign languages can be.

BTW, what does it mean if someone says: You're a blast ?

Sophzilla said...

Thanks for the translation Julia! I love the french expression in German. Redewendungen are such fun!

You're a blast means that you are a lot of fun. Sie sind viel Spass, but I better ways to say it. I hadn't thought about translating this one. I suppose it would make you take a step back. Why would I want to explode? :)

There might be English-German versions of the calendar. It's published by Living Language.

Julia said...

Unfortunately I only found the calendar version you have :(

Sophzilla said...

You can probably only find English to German because publishers assume that non-English speakers aren't monolingual! It's embarrassing! "Lecher les vitrines" makes me want to learn French!

Julia said...

I have to warn you. French grammar is horror! I had six years of french lessons in school and I can only say things like "Quelle heure est il?" (What time is it?).
Spanish is much easier. I'm thinking about learning it. But there's so much other stuff I have to learn right now.:(

Sophzilla said...

I hope that you have to learn fun or interesting things!

Julia said...

Last year I gave up my old job and started a new education. It's hard but I wanted it and it's what I always wanted. So it's fun, too. I have another two years to go.