20 September 2006

Morning observations

I went to my allergist's office today. It's in downtown Minneapolis. I miss working downtown. So much energy and there's always something happening. Some things I observed:
  • Traffic was horrid. I love the German word for traffic: der Stau (pronounced schtow -- tow is pronounced like the beginning of the word tower). I realized that when I sing in the car, my stress level goes down.
  • A car with a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker that didn't use turn signals and drove 50 mph on a very busy, fast freeway. I get really nasty when I see those stickers. More so when the drivers are driving stupid. "Thanks for the mess in Iraq, you jerk." Swearing or yelling in German also works well.
  • A bumper sticker I love: I believe in the separation of church and hate.
  • A store that I hadn't noticed before: Lee's Wigs.
  • A sign on Associated Bank: Associated Bank bans guns on these premises. (In reference to the stupid conceal/carry gun law in Minnesota. Still, pretty funny on a bank!)
  • Lately I've been parking like a drunken sailor. Not lined up within the lines at all. Much more slanty.
  • At the clinic, the computer for the lung check (or "pulmonary function," which sounds so much more grand) was beeping and not doing what it was supposed to. Patrice, the nurse, stayed so calm and nice. In cases like that, for instance at my own work desk, I often grumble and call the computer names.


Eclectchick said...

Maybe you've just been parking like a pirate. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

Re: "Associated Bank bans guns on these premises"

I'm always taken aback when I see this at the door to my gym. Can you imagine carrying a gun down running shorts? Is that a gun yer totin' or . . . ?

Sophzilla said...

I think the signs are nice but please, are you really going to leave your gun behind if you have one? Are there lockers right outside the bank or your gym? Or do you just leave your gun on the floor outside and yell, "Hey! No one touch this while I'm inside!"

Eclectchick said...


I can't quite get past people owning firearms in the first place, let alone toting them about as they buy groceries, go to the gym, have their hair done, etc.

One is required to empty one's gun of bullets, then using a chain lock, secure it to the bike rack provided for this purpose.

You didn't know that, huh?

Sophzilla said...

I've never seen those little racks. They must be quite low to the ground! :) Did I tell you? When Mike and Beth moved back to MN a bunch of their stuff was in my parents' garage. At the top of one of the boxes was a NRA hat. I went screaming into the house, "Who has the NRA hat?" Mike and I are just a smidge apart on the political spectrum. And neither of my brothers has quite my sense of righteous indignation. ;)