13 October 2005

Make it plain

I've been listening to A Knock at Midnight. It's a fabulous CD of Martin Luther King Jr's sermons. This might sound funny, but they're not at all preachy! I think anyone who has a passion for justice would be inspired.

It's fun to listen to the reactions of the audience. "Make it plain," "Lord help him," "Amen," "Yes sir." I bet when they passed the peace it lasted more than 20 seconds!

I love how he challenges everyone, but particularly people of faith. He says that that ought to have big implications on how you live your life (and he wasn't talking about abortion or homosexuals).
"Never succumb to the temptation to be bitter. As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the weapon of love... Always avoid violence. If you succumb to the temptation of using violence in your struggle, unborn generations will be the recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and your chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos."
--from "Paul's Letter to American Christians."
His Jesus isn't the delicate, non-threatening Jesus but the one who is in the nitty gritty of life, upsetting the status quo and advocating for the poor and oppressed.

I can't imagine how bleak things looked while the Civil Rights movement was at full steam. I'm sure it was extraordinarily difficult to keep hoping while things looked so dire. I find his fiery sermons a such comfort and a big kick in the pants during this regime. What a blessing to have records to remind us of the cloud of witnesses who have gone, and fought, before.

P.S. Happy anniversary Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MLK Jr. has been my hero for years. Thank you for writing an eloquent tribute, Sophzilla. Here's a mug shot of the man:


PS to Sophzilla's parents: Happy Anniversary!