sarcasm :
- harsh or bitter derision or irony
- a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark:
How many people use Google to search, send/receive e-mail, blog, etc.? And those millions of those people find out about this great project. And some of them submit awesome ideas to change the world. I'm overwhelmed by the coolness.
Put someone else's name on your lunch bag then prominently display the bag while you're eating.
With everything you say all day, roll your eyes.
When someone hands you a form or an envelope, caress it and whisper huskily, "Mmmmmmm. Yes, I've been expecting this one."
Give a colleague an unlabeled prescription bottle filled with mints or candy, and instruct them to withhold the "pills" no matter how hard you beg.
Great Historical Events That Never Happened:
Two world leaders agreed to settle their differences with a spelling bee.
Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights:Take that, despots!
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Preface every statement with "Apropos of nothing" and whenever a co-worker says something, tell them, "You're not wrong."And time each person to see how long it takes for them to go red in the face and/or get a "I could strangle you with my bare hands" look on his/her face.
Glasgow kiss
noun: A headbutt: a strike with the head to someone's sensitive area (such as the nose).
This slang for headbutt is relatively recent. The OED shows this 1982 citation from the Daily Mirror as the first printed use of the term:
"Glasgow has its own way of welcoming people ... There is a broken bottle gripped in the fist of greeting. Or there's the Glasgow Kiss -- a sharp whack on the nose with the forehead."
The term arose from allusion to violence in part of the city. An earlier term is a Liverpool kiss.
"Hi this is [name], I'm in the glove compartment. Please leave a message."