27 September 2008

Changing the world

You don't have to be a Nobel Peace Prize nominee to change the world. Google's 10 to the 100.

  • Project 10 to the 100th is a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible.
  • Google has committed $10 million to make the projects happen. "Our goal is to help as many people as possible. So remember, money may provide a jumpstart, but the idea is the thing."
  • Send in your idea by Oct. 20.
  • Vote for the finalists beginning Jan. 27. (Sign up for a reminder to vote.)
  • "May those who help the most win."

How many people use Google to search, send/receive e-mail, blog, etc.? And those millions of those people find out about this great project. And some of them submit awesome ideas to change the world. I'm overwhelmed by the coolness.

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