12 November 2006

Cats in sinks

One of the very cool women in my book club told me about this site after I told her how her cat had followed me into the bathroom. Apparently, the cat was waiting for me to turn on the water so she could play in it.

Just the other day someone told me that they have to leave the toilet seat down otherwise their cat gets into the toilet. I thought cats hated water.

Go to cats in sinks and click on "Show me another cat in a sink." You can also upload your own cat-in-sink photos.


Eclectchick said...

First there's Stuff on My Cat, now Cat in my Stuff?

Anonymous said...

That cats not liking water thing is a load. My cats not only play in the toilet, but also in the shower, their water dish, the sink, with the spray bottle we use to "discipline" them, etc.


Sophzilla said...

My dog probably hates water more than cats. Bath time is trauma time.