07 May 2007

Poo Poo on Monday

I e-mailed EclectChick this a.m. about Bush's approval rating -- 28 percent. She coined a new word to describe her delight: Schadenfreudelicious (Schadenfreude* + delicious).

I am eating my lunch and the celery is extra salty. I wonder if that means it's gone bad?

*Glee at another's misfortune.

Welcome to Optimism
no longer publishes Stu Poo Poo's the Blues. It's a dreary spring day here so here's my Monday Poo Poo the Blues (I hope that title isn't trademarked) -- future Dwight.


rigtenzin said...

I had a great laugh watching the Office video. I did one of those eruptive laughs with a forward bend and a single clap.

And the new word may be useful.

Sophzilla said...

Oh good! I wonder what that type of laugh would be called in scientific terms.

Eclectchick said...

Most excellent!!!!