17 April 2006

Ya, like it says

Today's note from the universe:
An end result, imagined clearly and acted upon with expectation will always force the circumstances necessary to bring about its own manifestation, no matter how unpredictable, unlikely or even impossible those circumstances may have previously seemed.
Like clockwork,
The Universe


Humble Pie said...

Didn't work quite that well for George and Donald!

(Maybe that was their war plan - to simply follow the advice of 'The Universe.')

Sophzilla said...

I think that the Universe forgot to include, "unless, of course, your intentions are evil."

Eclectchick said...

But evil is open to perception to some extent. P.S. The Universe and I aren't getting along lately.

rigtenzin said...

I've read this over and over and I don't get it. Is this saying telling us that if we think of a clear plan, it will eventually happen? That's nuts. But most likely, I've misunderstood the whole thing. That's me, dumber than a box of rocks.

Sophzilla said...

I don't know if it works but I like its bossiness. I don't know that I've aged much beyond 4 years old. "But I want my way!"