27 April 2006

Schoene Nase (beautiful nose)

Sophie's got the cutest nose. Am I not right? She even has freckles.

Dogs have such a cool way of creating commonalities. I know several of my neighbors only by their dogs' names. I'm sure they don't know my name but they do know Sophie's.

I went to the dentist today. The hygienist I see is very shy. She would hardly respond when I talked to her. Then one day I saw a picture of her dog on the shelf. Now every time I go in for a cleaning we chat almost nonstop about our dogs and their antics.


Eclectchick said...

Awww - what a cute nose. I love the delicate pink part. :-D

rigtenzin said...

Sophie is a cutie. I like to sniff a dog's paws. Try it sometime. They smell like Fritos, a bit.

In one of the Creature Comforts episodes a Boston Terrier argues with a stick insect about which species is smartest. It made me think of Sophie in a different way.

Have you seen any of the Creature Comforts episodes?

Sophzilla said...

So that's the Fritos smell! I've never seen Creature Comforts. I'll have to watch for that. I'd like to see that argument!

Eclectchick said...

FUNNY! My husband and I have a running joke about that "corn chips" smell. Sometimes if we're holding each other's hands, one of us will sniff the other's "paw" and say, "corn chips."

Isn't it wacky that all dogs' feet smell the same, no matter where they've been??