22 June 2006


A number of us in the office share a printer. Not a problem until you have to print out a CD label or something on photo paper. To avoid printing mishaps, many of my co-workers will yell "I'm printing on special paper" when using something other than standard printer paper.

Every time I hear "special paper" I yell, "You mean Ralph Wiggum paper." In an episode of the Simpsons, the football coach, Flanders, is assigning kids to teams. Ralph has no skill or focus so to spare his feelings, Flanders puts him on special teams. Ralphie then yells repeatedly, "I'm special!"

Some Ralphisms:
  • Eww, Daddy, this tastes like Gramma!
  • I found a moonrock in my nose!
  • Your toys are fun to touch. Mine are all sticky.
  • Principal Skinner, I got car sick in your office.
  • This snowflake tastes like fish sticks.
  • I glued my head to my shoulder, now i have two owies.
  • (To a wolf) Will you be my mommy? You smell like dead bunnies.
  • That's where I saw the Leprchaun. He tells me to burn things!


rigtenzin said...

This is my kind of topic. I've only let my kids watch a couple of Simpson's episodes. The one in which Lisa dated Ralphie was great. He tries to make conversation with her and awkwardly says something like, "So do you like to do -- stuff?"

My daughter laughed uncontrollably at that line. I started laughing, then my son. We were all in that giggly mood where everything was funny even if it was stupid. I get those moods sometimes and have no one to share it with. It's the best when I can share the giggly mood with my kids.

MeisenKaiser said...

Über die Simpsons werden sogar Magister-Arbeiten in Deutschland geschrieben: "Die Simpsons und ihre Fankultur - Eine Analyse der Zeichentrickserie und ihres Verständnisses bei amerikanischen und deutschen Fans"

Sophzilla said...

Meisenkaiser -- vielen Dank! Jetzt habe ich etwas zu lesen, wenn ich am Strand bin! Viel besser als ein Roman!

Rigtenzin -- Your kids are the best in a giggly mood. It's probably good they don't get to watch the Simpsons often. They'd be addicted!