16 June 2006


Today I took the day off. I have a lot of vacation and it's been crazy at work. The other day I called a co-worker the wrong name. Yesterday I overslept because I was having this really weird dream. I've been losing things lately, too. And I'm not someone who regularly loses or misplaces things. My co-workers make fun of my tidy work space!

So what I do on my day off? Spent 3 1/2 hours walking around Ikea getting really overstimulated. But it was fun! The photos are, left to right, Jude's meatball manager's special and my Asian salad with teriyaki green beans. Yum! I took a picture of our cart but it didn't turn out. The spycam isn't always so reliable. Too bad. It was really the most odd assortment of things. I said that it look a bit like someone had had some sort of mental incident and then went shopping. A couple of rugs, curtain and curtain rods, a dog bowl, a couple of small shelves, a strainer, sets of baskets, etc. I think it was the arrangement of said items that made it look particularly crazy.


rigtenzin said...

I read that to be "dog bowel." I really go for potty humor.

Julia said...

I love Ikea! But the meatballs don't look eatable.;)
I like the cookies you can buy at Ikea. They are a sin.
PS: Thanks for commenting on my flickr site.
The game USA - Italy was so crazy!

Sophzilla said...

Dog bowel. I think Sophie has an extra one because she pees about 100 times on our walks.

Ikea is fabulous! The meatballs are really good but look rather gray in the photo. Gray is never a good color for food!

I couldn't believe all the red cards in the US-Italy game. It was more like hockey!

rigtenzin said...

The Italians are cheaters.

Sophzilla said...

Good thing no Italians comment on this blog. We'd have a big 'ol Webfight on our hands!