18 June 2006

Baked goods

Tomorrow a new person is starting in my department. I thought it would be nice to bring in some baked goods for the occasion. Normally I wouldn't record this here but the muffins turned out so nice I had to share. These blueberry muffins rose so nicely and are so full of berries -- like little berry volcanoes.


Julia said...

They look delicious!
That reminds me that I should eat something!
Isn't it usually the other way round? That the new person brings something?
That's how we do it here but not on the first day. We call it "den Einstand geben".

Eclectchick said...

They DO look good! Way to bake! If you have any leftovers, you know where I live . . .

Anonymous said...

To say it with Take That - it's "Baked foor good"!

Sophzilla said...

I like den Einstand geben. Last night I was talking to my Dad on the telephone. I told him about bringing the muffins today. Then he asked if the new person was going to bring treats every day after that. He's pretty goofy!

Thanks again for recommending Kettcar, Julia! I really like their music. What would we do without the Internet?

The muffins were all consumed but I'm going to post the recipe at Dash's request. She came down to my office this morning after reading about the muffins on Sophzilla!

Eclectchick said...

Mmmm - I baked delicious Power Muffins last night. Chocolate with chocolate chips. Mmmmm

Sophzilla said...

Oooh! Share the recipe, Eclectchick!

Eclectchick said...

How much will you pay me?

Kidding! Okay. I'll put in on the old blog soon.

Julia said...

Yes, internet is great sometimes!
I'm happy that you like Kettcar!

Maybe I can convince my "bakerman" at home to make me some of your volcanos. I'm not that much into baking, I prefer eating;)