01 May 2006

Nice day for a military parade

Today is May Day. Looking back I don't remember the drop and dash of May baskets. What I do remember is seeing the USSR's May Day -- or International Day of Solidarity of the Working People -- festivities on the evening news every year.

You'd see the big military parade in Moscow -- scads and scads of goose-stepping Red Army soldiers and missiles on the backs of trucks. And the shot of the reviewing stand with the leader and his inner circle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny! When you spoke about the military parades of your childhood May Day, I thought you were referring to VFW or American Legion activities in the to-be-unnamed town you grew up in. :)

We did the drop and dash May Day baskets in western Minnesota. Even did it in South Minneapolis a few years ago, which was loads of fun.