08 May 2006

A bad case of Schadenfreude

Oh, the poor beleagured president. He never catches a break. [Said with a really snarky tone of voice.] George W. Bush's approval rating has dropped to 31 percent according to a USA Today/Gallup poll.

I have a very serious case of Schadenfreude (malicious joy). It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. (Norm Coleman is a close second.) More info at USA Today.

I'm hoping it will fall again after news of the latest Bush nominee sinks in. Bush nominated Air Force General Hayden as the new head of the CIA. I don't know that his choice is unconstitutional, but there is a reason to keep the military, police and spies separate. Unless, of course, you are General Pinochet.


Eclectchick said...

Oh please, please, please!!!!!

I hate to think what Dubya was like as a kid. His annoyance factor must have been huge. I mean, if he can't take a hint NOW, what was he like at, say, 10?

rigtenzin said...

Look at these separated-at-birth photos:
I wish we had audio, then you could hear me doing my Col. Klink and Gen. Burkhalter imitations.

But seriously, I wonder how the Bush supporters are explaining this appointment. I'm trying to find out without looking at the websites that make me too angry to work or sick to my stomach.

Sophzilla said...

Oh man! I wonder if he's as dumb as Col. Klink?

I remember the year Pinochet was arrested in London. I was in Boston and saw the headline on the NY Times. I was almost jumping up and down with joy! A couple of weeks later on Thanksgiving we were sharing "what I'm thankful for." I said I was thankful that Pinochet wouldn't be going home for Christmas. I got blank stares, polite smiles and the crickets.

Eclectchick said...

Crickets! SNORT!

(again with the nasty words in the word verification: smfutk)