08 January 2006


Last week in German class we worked on idioms (Redewendungen). There were only three of us: a guy from Hong Kong, the teacher (from Germany) and me. It was quite interesting. Our teacher knows some English idioms but not a ton, the other student knows Chinese idioms. I tried to help explain what some of them might be, in English, to the other student. It was quite funny. I'm sure I sounded like a hillbilly in my German. Reminds me of David Sedaris' line in Me Talk Pretty One Day. He's living in France and in his broken French asks the butcher, "Is thems the thoughts of cows?" But hey, at least I try!

Today Christopher, the Hs and I went to Moti Mahal for lunch. Mmmmm... chicken masala, nan. Quite lovely! It's on a funny little corner on Franklin Ave. in what was likely an Ember's at one point. I'd highly recommend it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Moti Mahal is wonderful. I was satisfied as the lone vegetarian in the group.

(Sorry to Mrs. H that we didn't go to her first choice of Embers. Maybe next time. Oh right -- she *is* choosing the next place we go.)

Great blog, Liebling! Keep up the excellent work!
