14 January 2006

Animal academy

Jan. 13 - A German "animal academy" has specialised in teaching cats and dogs how to play the piano and chickens how to perform on a xylophone. (Reuters)
Story and video here. They actually play nicer than my nieces and nephew, who incorporate more pounding and volume into their performances.

Also from Reuters, bun that looked like Mother Theresa was stolen from a bakery in Tennessee. Story and video here. God bless Reuters.

We're all just quelling with pride. There's a guy in Minnesota who wants to be governnor. And, he's a vampire -- Jonathan "the Impaler" Sharkey. Good luck with that.

Was ist heute auf der Fahrbahn? It’s been a slow month. Cars and vans mostly. No people or dogs lately.


Heather Brewer said...

"Politics is a cut-throat business."


Sophzilla said...

I guess if the state elected a wrestler/action film guy with no experience, why not a vampire? Our present governor certainly is no gem.