26 March 2007


Sometimes I enjoy verbifying (using a noun as a verb) as a simple way to get a point across. Sometimes it drives me bats. A funny and interesting story on verbifying and the visualthesaurus.com
In the Old Days, every new invention did not immediately become a verb. No one said: "I must electric canopener this tuna," or "Well, it's time to dishwasher."


Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard the word "assumacide"?

We had a speaker that kept using that word. I thought she must really like it.

Happy Spring!


Sophzilla said...

That's funny! Assumacide? Assuming and committing murder? :)

Eclectchick said...

Okay. So what is the term for doing the opposite? i.e. the dishwasher does a particularly thorough job, so you say, "Wow. That is some high quality dishwashage!"

Or, you fail to cleanly open the can because the opener was dull or due to operator error, "D'oh - my digit is carnage due to my butterfingering my canopenage."
