07 September 2006

Helping kids torment their families

I went to Target today over lunch. I usually take a quick run through the one-spot area to see what kind of odd things they have for $1. I hit paydirt today. Whooppee cushions! I bought two for my oldest niece and nephew (they're 8 and 6).

They're just the right age to think these are the funniest thing ever. (My niece is the one who, out of the blue, asked me, "Is barf the same thing as vomit?") Their parents won't likely appreciate these items. Oh well. It's my job to get them/teach them weird things (nothing dangerous) and cover them with temporary tattoos. I take that job seriously.


rigtenzin said...

You are the best aunt in the world. My kids broke at least two woopy cushions through use. They were so proud when they tricked Dad into sitting on one. I usually just played along.

If you want to top it all, buy the kids some fake doggie poo or fake barf. Then train them how to pull the trick most effectively on their parents.

Your efforts will all pay off in the long run.

Sophzilla said...

I never thought of fake barf and poo! Thanks for the idea!

Eclectchick said...

Big ugly fake bugs rock too.

Sophzilla said...

I have some serious shopping to do!l

rigtenzin said...

This idea would really be over the top, but just in case you're really sick.

Have the kids set a whooy cushion trap for their parents, then lie in wait. When the parent(s) sit on the cushion, the kids quickly inhale some helium from a balloon and laugh like little maniacs.

Sophzilla said...

This would take some doing but definitely sounds worthwhile. I've been very curious about how their voices would sound on helium. Katy (aka LuLu) would likely only be heard by dogs.

Sophzilla said...

You may certainly call me die uebere Tante! Thanks for the compliment!