23 January 2007


My nieces and nephew love SpaghettiOs. I find this "food" way beyond disgusting. It tastes like a can. My Mom, who doesn't go gross, said they taste like the taste you get in your mouth after you throw up. My brother said about the same thing but more graphically. So now we call them HurlyOs instead of SpaghettiOs. The kids think this is pretty funny but I think the sarcasm is lost on them.


rigtenzin said...

I just read the ingredients list. What is bile?

shawnkielty said...

You've heard about the company that added Stannic acid (whatever -- tin slime) to the mix tso their new plastic bottly stuff would continue to tast like it was from a tin can?

Anyway -- people shouldn't eat HurleyO's.

shawnkielty said...

or was it Stannous Flouride?