22 November 2006

Church rant

I find a bad sermon on Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving, or at a wedding or funeral, particularly egregious. There are all sorts of people at church at those times who wouldn't be there any other time. A lousy sermon will pretty much clinch it that they won't come back.

Today was such a day. The sermon at the church I was visiting was a fictional story about some of the Israelites after they left Egypt. Not as bad as the stories about the fictional teenager, Donald, that I've heard at this church. But it was rather incoherent and sophomoric. To top it off, the pastor admitted that he had preached this sermon six years before. Please. Don't tell people that you've put no work into it. About five minutes into the sermon I pulled out the hymnal and started reading some Psalms. Much more enlightening, and coherent, than the sermon.


Julia said...

That's one reason why I have left church. The sermons usually were far from reality, far from my life. But the main reason is that in my experience the people who call themselves good christians throw the first stone.
I do not believe in religion, not a single one. Because religion will be and was always used to suppress and to kill.
I would say that I believe in God but I don't want to belong to any religion. Of course I have to admit that I'm influenced by christian values.
And I don't judge people for what they believe. It's simply my personal decision.

Sophzilla said...

I'm with you there! I can't wrap my mind around using any religion to discriminate or kill or persecute. I have often found that people who don't call themselves Christians often act more "Christian" than so-called Christians do.